Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Power of Speech

Think back to an instance where you decided to keep your mouth shut, even though you knew you had something valid to say. It may not have been an explosive event that had the power to make or break your life, it could simply have been an ordeal that could have made YOUR moment(which is just as important, because the  individual moments that we have are what come together to create life, like building blocks) How did it make you feel? Did you have  nagging, recurring thoughts of "I should have said something," although that thought is annoying, because the time to act had already come and gone? In order to avoid pondering over situations like the one I just described, you'd better start speaking up and employing the Power of Speech.

Speech is:

  Full Definition of SPEECH

a :  the communication or expression of thoughts in spoken words
b :  exchange of spoken words :  conversation
a :  something that is spoken :  utterance
b :  a usually public discourse :  address
a :  languagedialect
b :  an individual manner or style of speaking
:  the power of expressing or communicating thoughts by speaking

I happen to like definition #4 because it relates to speech in the term of it being a power and, in my opinion, is the most concrete definition. Everything that involves you as a person matters, and you are the only ONE who can and will represent YOUR, thoughts, feelings, and emotions with total accuracy. No one has the right, ability, or power to speak for YOU. It is left up to us to make sure that we use the Power of Speech effectively in order to be heard and understood by one another.

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