Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Power of Truth

Any time that I have found my way into a tough situation, the types of experiences that involve interactions that make your stomach turn and twist with anguish, down in the pit. They don't even have to be physical interactions, verbal exchanges are what get people amped, or charged, because words have the power to trigger the chemical impulses that conjure emotions.  Anyway, when I'm confronted with these agonizingly bearable circumstances, I can always think back to the moments prior to the uncomfortable event taking place. There's always the opportunity to be more real, more honest, the Truth.

Although living in truth is the option that consistently yields the best results, there are times when living an untruth seems to be more appealing or( a better fitting A-word) appropriate.  For a (normally not so brief) nonsensical moment, being disingenuous to one's self is the easiest , yet most harmful, self-inflicted cop-out that can be done. The truth is always benevolently bearing love on all things that are conceived in it, that's what makes truth so powerful.

Truth is defined as sincerity in action, character, and utterance(www. merriam-webster.com/dictionary/truth). Which means that everything that is thought, said, or done should be in honesty and sincerity or else, it's NOT THE TRUTH! Have you gained the courage to express and live The Power of Truth ?

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