Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Power of Love

Love is what means the most to me because in my world, the Power of Love makes up everything, therefore, I am love :) Growing up, I didn't really consider life without love, there was a consistent and abundant flow of love all around me( I, and those closest to me, still have our share of pains and obstacle illusions like everyone else, but that's when the Power of Love comes through)  I grew and interacted with other's, intertwining paths and experiences. At a very young age I began to understand that people have different kinds of relationships with love. I have also found that many have never even had the pleasure and luxury of  experiencing pure love. When I say pure love I mean no restraints and unconditional, but please DO NOT confuse the word unconditional with disrespectful! There are people in this world who really believe that showing or receiving love is basically providing or getting large amounts of materials, which is totally fine if that's how you choose to be, but that has very little to do with love. Gifts should be used as tools to help further express love, not replace it.

Anyway, Love is UNLIMITED and that is raw power. Any relationship, circumstance, or experience that
is limiting in every fathomable way is NOT love. And any source that enforces or permits limitations is NOT a loving source. The Power of Love is freely flowing throughout the universe and available to EVERYONE!!! Please remain open in heart and mind. Don't be too closed, cold, and selfish to feel love.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Power of Slience

Sound is everywhere. If you happen to live in the city, as opposed to the "country", you may be predisposed to even more sounds, clashing together creating noise. Some households allow television and various other noise emitting devices to remain on and active throughout the day and into the night(I personally cannot STAND sleeping with any electrical systems on, outside of myself(lol), and I honestly wouldn't sleep with my cell phone on either, but being available for my family at any moment during the day or night is important to me). With so many media influenced outlets around to spark individual impulses, it may be  hard to hear, remember, or even appreciate the Power of Silence. 

Silence is the absence of sound. Silence is so powerful that it even has a special place within music, which is ironic, because music is compounded sounds, which come together and form  melodies. Without silence,  a lot of music would fail to have the intensity that it needs to impact the senses and lead the audience. If we equated our lives to creating a symphony, how compelling would it be without the silent rests and pauses in between? Would the audience be moved by your creation if there were no clear separations to indicate the highs and lows? More importantly, would you be impressed by your own work? Find a quiet place and reflect on the impact of your symphony by using the Power of Silence.

Monday, April 14, 2014

The Power of Intuition

People always know when to follow a specific direction, or whether or not to head on a particular path. There are feelings deep inside of everyone that let them know exactly where to go. Some people call it natural navigation, or an emotional compass.  Even when we don't listen to the feelings, there are always situations that arise constantly, letting us  know if (or not)particular experiences are compatible and even worth  involving ourselves with. When a pattern of uneasy, questionable, or negative influences are chronically present throughout  any situation or circumstance we choose to undertake, we are probably NOT acknowledging the Power of Intuition.

Intuition is a gift that is well know and is held by all. Even though many people know about it, for some reason, we are all guilty, at some point or another, of choosing to act as if doesn't exist . Or maybe just selectively turning a blind eye to, and blatantly ignoring the Power of Intuition, because it's convenient(otherwise know as "making excuses") which for allow us to stay in situations that feel draining to energy and life. A really good definition for intuition is :
         A person's capacity to obtain or      have direct knowledge 
         and/or immediate insight, without observation or reason. 
         It's the "gut feeling" you get. People often place an 
         enormous amount of faith on their intuition, even making 
         decisions that seem to go against all available evidence
         (Read more: .php?term=Intuition#ixzz2yrM0XJ4s)

Intuition is a reliable source of insight that is always useful and helpful. It provides people with a way to make decisions quickly and efficiently, without asking others for their opinions or consorting with outside sources about what should be done. A little Power of Intuition goes a long way.