Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Power of Love

Love is what means the most to me because in my world, the Power of Love makes up everything, therefore, I am love :) Growing up, I didn't really consider life without love, there was a consistent and abundant flow of love all around me( I, and those closest to me, still have our share of pains and obstacle illusions like everyone else, but that's when the Power of Love comes through)  I grew and interacted with other's, intertwining paths and experiences. At a very young age I began to understand that people have different kinds of relationships with love. I have also found that many have never even had the pleasure and luxury of  experiencing pure love. When I say pure love I mean no restraints and unconditional, but please DO NOT confuse the word unconditional with disrespectful! There are people in this world who really believe that showing or receiving love is basically providing or getting large amounts of materials, which is totally fine if that's how you choose to be, but that has very little to do with love. Gifts should be used as tools to help further express love, not replace it.

Anyway, Love is UNLIMITED and that is raw power. Any relationship, circumstance, or experience that
is limiting in every fathomable way is NOT love. And any source that enforces or permits limitations is NOT a loving source. The Power of Love is freely flowing throughout the universe and available to EVERYONE!!! Please remain open in heart and mind. Don't be too closed, cold, and selfish to feel love.

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