Friday, April 25, 2014

The Power of Patience

Movement is so fast throughout the industrial/technological world. Many of the people who dwell within this world are heavily conditioned by the fast paced environments that help to keep this extreme world in motion. Everything must happen immediately, instant gratification, no patience.  When things are not received in rapid time, people get antsy, restless, and agitated. "We want it and we want it NOW!" is the daily mantra that is engraved in the minds of the collective within the industrial/technological habitat. Although individuals have become accustomed to ridiculous and unrealistic expectations, we live on the physical plane, the material world. Just as it takes time for the seasons to change, or for children to blossom into adults, physical manifestations, or creations, take time to cultivate.

During the cultivation process, The Power of Patience is the key to seeing all things through to completion. No matter what    the project may entail, The Power of Patience will help to keep the mind at ease while the actual journey is taking place. Patience has a very simple meaning,  which is to wait without question or concern, because you know that whatever you are focusing on will unfold. Focus and Patience work hand-in-hand when creating or evolving in life. Acknowledging The Power of Patience is having respect for the process. Athletes are very in tune with The Power of Patience, because training to be the best doesn't happen over night. With that being said, is The Power of Patience active within, or do you choose to rush through and produce poor quality creations and manifestations?

Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Power of Transcendence


When you consider the word Transcendence, what comes to mind? Maybe some form of uplifting, or a situation that compelled you to rise above, going beyond your normal course of action. How about a mutation, or transformation into something new. Could transcendence be viewed as an enhancement and should it be sought after in this life?

Transcendence is upward movement, elevation.  Transcendence maintains an element of growth which is brought on by the realization of a particular state of mind that will no longer suffice if one's expectation is to navigate into a different realm of living, doing, and being. Many individuals are completely consumed by their insatiable ego's. Ego is comprised of all of negativity that has ever been instilled into one's mind.  Ego is fear based and causes internal suffering, that is disguised in the form of complaints, worry,  overtly harsh criticism, name-calling, feelings of worthlessness or of not being enough, insecurity, bitterness, shouting, screaming, overreacting, anger, and manipulation. Ego is always wanting more and is never satisfied. Ego is the urge within to make some right and others wrong, otherwise known as defensiveness. The truth never needs defense because it is the truth, and that is always enough. In the book  A New Earth Awakening to Your Life's Purpose,  Eckhart Tolle refers to ego as thought that identifies itself through form. He further states "Once you realize and accept that all structures (forms) are unstable, even the seemingly solid material ones. . . the recognition of the impermanence of all forms awakens you to the dimension of the formlessness within yourself, that which is beyond death."

Take a few moments to reflect and digest. How consumed by ego are you? Will you choose to use The Power of Transcendence to move beyond ego and into the freedom of being.