Monday, April 14, 2014

The Power of Intuition

People always know when to follow a specific direction, or whether or not to head on a particular path. There are feelings deep inside of everyone that let them know exactly where to go. Some people call it natural navigation, or an emotional compass.  Even when we don't listen to the feelings, there are always situations that arise constantly, letting us  know if (or not)particular experiences are compatible and even worth  involving ourselves with. When a pattern of uneasy, questionable, or negative influences are chronically present throughout  any situation or circumstance we choose to undertake, we are probably NOT acknowledging the Power of Intuition.

Intuition is a gift that is well know and is held by all. Even though many people know about it, for some reason, we are all guilty, at some point or another, of choosing to act as if doesn't exist . Or maybe just selectively turning a blind eye to, and blatantly ignoring the Power of Intuition, because it's convenient(otherwise know as "making excuses") which for allow us to stay in situations that feel draining to energy and life. A really good definition for intuition is :
         A person's capacity to obtain or      have direct knowledge 
         and/or immediate insight, without observation or reason. 
         It's the "gut feeling" you get. People often place an 
         enormous amount of faith on their intuition, even making 
         decisions that seem to go against all available evidence
         (Read more: .php?term=Intuition#ixzz2yrM0XJ4s)

Intuition is a reliable source of insight that is always useful and helpful. It provides people with a way to make decisions quickly and efficiently, without asking others for their opinions or consorting with outside sources about what should be done. A little Power of Intuition goes a long way.

1 comment:

  1. Had I always acted on my intuition, I could have saved myself from many negative outcomes.
