Monday, April 7, 2014

The Power of Completion

Now this is a topic that I can be excruciatingly critical of myself when discussing because I have a tendency toward being neglectful in ways that I know I don't have to. I am guilty of boring easily(not when it comes to people though, if we happen to connect on a few levels), and I must admit that most of  the mundane, recycled issues that seem to rule the small,  media driven world around me, don't ever keep my attention. I can tend to get really into myself, delving deep, reading books that enrich my mind, enlighten my soul, and intrigue my curiosity i.e The Law of Attraction by Ester and Jerry Hicks, The Book of Aquarius, You by Frances Wilshire, The Power of Now and A New Earth by Ekhart Tolle, Tao Te Ching, A Beginners Guide to Creating Reality by Ramtha, and The Force by Stuart Wilde, to name a few.  Although I have no problem with finishing books, seeing larger, personal projects ( like creating a sound business plan or focusing on creating new money sources of my own)throughout and into completion is a completely different story.

Many people(including myself)have had ideas, plans, and goals  that were accompanied by a commitment (made to one's self) that the self proposed task would be sought out to completion. But when an undertaking is self imposed, it's easier to slack off with "I'll do it later," which could turn into never, because the best time to act is always now(the present). These are the types of causes that call for The Power of Completion 

Completion is the act of finishing. This is a very powerful action because only completion will present the opportunity to begin something new. Have you been seeing everything you set your mind to, throughout, and  into completion? Will you start today?

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