Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Power of Agency

Since I've been on a personal hiatus, taking the time to reconfigure my life, pinpointing the areas of blockage that appeared to be keeping me stagnant (or at least revolving around the same types of situations, although a few players may have changed) I came across some interesting concepts, one in particular happened to deal with the idea of being an agent of the universe.  Now in order to grapple with, and comprehend  that concept, one must first define the term agent. According to Webster's New International Dictionary(Unabridged), an  agent is said to be "1a: something that produces or is capable of producing a certain effect: an active or efficient cause," or "2a: one that acts or exerts power (as by driving , inciting, or setting in motion): a driving force."

In the process of relating the concept of agency into my own life, I was able to pose the question " Am I doing my best to be  an agent of the universe?" And more narrowly, "am I doing my best to be an agent behind my goals, in reference to my daily life? Once I assessed my life in all honesty, I found that the answer to my question was a cold, solid, and plain "No." I was not doing my best to be an agent of the universe or, more importantly, of my own life. I realized that somewhere along the life line, I had learned, been shown, and developed a tendency  to be a hard worker for others (as an employee), but lazy for myself, in terms of giving adequate energy to my passions, goals, and dreams. At some point I had decided that the things that mattered most to me were not as equally as important as keeping up with the "worldly rat race," perpetuating the norms of society instead of doing my utmost to add to the life force of the universe by being as beautiful and creative as I know I can be. Author Byllye Avery describes Agency perfectly in her book An Altar of Words, stating
            "Agency is the power within us to change ourselves
              and the world around us. . . Agency is one of our
              most precious gifts. . . and one of our most awesome

Many people tend to make fear the root cause of non-accomplishment or unproductive behavior, but I found that laziness is just as potent and prevalent. Are you applying The Power of Agency in your life, or are you simply too lazy to consider it?

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