Monday, November 25, 2013

The Power of Deliberate Thought

                                                                   The Power of Deliberate Thought
Ever wonder how some people just seem to “get things done,” while others stand idly by and watch?  You know the person who says that they’re going to participate in an activity, or engage in a potential life-style changing event and actually commit to it.  Is it confidence, privilege, or magic? Maybe all three?  Or could it be something even simpler, more organic than those superficial, fairy-tale like explanations? Consider the Power of Deliberate Thought.

What is Deliberate Thought?

According to Webster’s New International Dictionary Third Ed, the word deliberate is defined as being “characterized by presumed or real awareness of the implications or consequences of one’s actions or sayings by fully conscious, often willful intent.”  In other words, to be deliberate means to create and present actions that are cautious, mindful, and overwhelmingly direct.  In pairing the two words deliberate and thought, the result is that one’s thoughts (which create actions) are thorough, cognizant, and FOCUSED on the task at hand.  So that person who seizes the opportunity and “get things done” does so with intention of completion.  Take a second and pose the questions:  Do you intend on completing all endeavors, or do you chronically entertain fleeting thoughts of everything, never truly committing to anything?   

Is there a benefit to Deliberate Thought?

Of course, thoughts are meant to be directed and fixed; after all, they are YOURS!  You are the only person who has the ability to think thoughts from your perspective and you are the only one who can choose to form and shape those experiences called your own.  I know, in order to successfully apply the use of deliberate thought, personal responsibility is necessary, but is being responsible for one ’s self so bad?  I don’t think so, because at the point of acknowledging responsibility, you may claim sole proprietorship of ALL that is YOU.  Please don’t be afraid to take credit for yourself.

Activate the Power of Deliberate Thought within YOU

Now that the pathways have been opened, take a moment and consider applying the use of Deliberate Thought.  If you are just beginning, start off with moderate to light pressure.  Simply intend to have a great day by deliberately thinking of your day, planning it before you go to sleep.  Hold those great and pleasant, intentional thoughts for at least 17 seconds, contemplating and fixating on the ease and joy of the day from beginning to end.  Make sure to smile and feel good as you are engaging in deliberate thoughts, keeping in mind that they are all for you.

Be Well and Great Day!

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