Monday, December 2, 2013

The Power of Compassion

The Power of Compassion

Everyone encounters that person who looks and feels so intense. Either their energy is extremely strong, or their demeanor is overbearingly low. You wonder, then think to yourself " What is up with this person? Why is he/she always like that? Or, everyone has problems they're not the only one who's messed up in the world,some people don't even have enough eat!"  These thoughts almost NEVER come with asking that individual flat out, "What's up with you? I mean really, b/c your vibe is provoking ME to question YOU inside of MYSELF so I have to know, are you ALRIGHT or am I ALL WRONG!?" That would be too movie-like, and we all know that most people aren't really too concerned about the true feelings of others that they do not personally know, although encounters may be daily ( i.e. college campus, commute to work, while at work, work out session, etc.). Hell, people are so fake these days, especially in North America( I'm not referring to plastic surgery, make-up, hair extensions, or other physical alterations, I simply mean being so out of touch with true emotions due to the harsh bombardment of inexplicable nonsensical bullshit, by chosen authority, on the consistent basis, in order to be held in a constant daze. In other words,an unreal mind slave to the powers that are presently in place ), it's hard enough to get the people who are around you the most to care. I'm not like that, I'm the person that some people may think is weird b/c I normally spark up a conversation with those individuals, or at least try to pick their brain a bit and have them socialize, even if it's only with me. I'm not afraid of people who wear their cool as an armor, I break through it by utilizing the Power of Compassion.

What is The Power of Compassion?

Using definitions, in order to help with understanding concepts is cool,  b/c they're straight to the point. There are many definitions for compassion but this is the one that seemed to encompass the essence of the word. According to Psychology Today, in an article by Beverly Engels  called The Compassion Chronicles, she states I believe that having compassion for someone involves more than putting yourself in their place and genuinely wanting to understand or even help them. It involves beginning to have a totally different perspective when it comes to how you perceive others. For example, instead of assuming that the reason someone has done something that hurts you is because they are selfish or inconsiderate, assume instead that they had a good reason for doing it. So in applying that analogy, maybe those individuals with overbearingly strong, or intensely low energy have a good reason for it, and if one would take the chance to get to know them, or just ask them "waz up wit u?", they may find a person that they can, as my brother would say, "jig wit"(lmao! osmlvs!= on so many levels), or be cool with, for a long time. In my own experience, I've found that people are the way that they are for a reason. Everyone has a story, a perception, an experience, a downfall, a talent, a wish, a dream, a focus, and a view. 

Activate the Power of Compassion within YOU

It's really self explanatory, but I'll appease the audience and conclude this up by saying, HAVE SOME FREAKIN COMPASSION!!! Seriously, is it asking that much to step outside of yourself for a moment and have an understanding for someone other than yourself( although understanding yourself is just as important, but that's another saga)? I know it's not too much b/c so many people do it everyday. I'm not saying that you should try to become  Jesus, Buddha, or Muhammad, I'm simply suggesting that trying to see the world from another's perspective could help clarify you're own view,or at most, gain a better understanding of the vast world around you.

Be Well and Great Day!

Monday, November 25, 2013

The Power of Deliberate Thought

                                                                   The Power of Deliberate Thought
Ever wonder how some people just seem to “get things done,” while others stand idly by and watch?  You know the person who says that they’re going to participate in an activity, or engage in a potential life-style changing event and actually commit to it.  Is it confidence, privilege, or magic? Maybe all three?  Or could it be something even simpler, more organic than those superficial, fairy-tale like explanations? Consider the Power of Deliberate Thought.

What is Deliberate Thought?

According to Webster’s New International Dictionary Third Ed, the word deliberate is defined as being “characterized by presumed or real awareness of the implications or consequences of one’s actions or sayings by fully conscious, often willful intent.”  In other words, to be deliberate means to create and present actions that are cautious, mindful, and overwhelmingly direct.  In pairing the two words deliberate and thought, the result is that one’s thoughts (which create actions) are thorough, cognizant, and FOCUSED on the task at hand.  So that person who seizes the opportunity and “get things done” does so with intention of completion.  Take a second and pose the questions:  Do you intend on completing all endeavors, or do you chronically entertain fleeting thoughts of everything, never truly committing to anything?   

Is there a benefit to Deliberate Thought?

Of course, thoughts are meant to be directed and fixed; after all, they are YOURS!  You are the only person who has the ability to think thoughts from your perspective and you are the only one who can choose to form and shape those experiences called your own.  I know, in order to successfully apply the use of deliberate thought, personal responsibility is necessary, but is being responsible for one ’s self so bad?  I don’t think so, because at the point of acknowledging responsibility, you may claim sole proprietorship of ALL that is YOU.  Please don’t be afraid to take credit for yourself.

Activate the Power of Deliberate Thought within YOU

Now that the pathways have been opened, take a moment and consider applying the use of Deliberate Thought.  If you are just beginning, start off with moderate to light pressure.  Simply intend to have a great day by deliberately thinking of your day, planning it before you go to sleep.  Hold those great and pleasant, intentional thoughts for at least 17 seconds, contemplating and fixating on the ease and joy of the day from beginning to end.  Make sure to smile and feel good as you are engaging in deliberate thoughts, keeping in mind that they are all for you.

Be Well and Great Day!